Respiratory Toolkit

Created to support adults living with Asthma and COPD, and parents of children living with Asthma


Patient apps


Clinical Guidelines


Hours of learning


Certificates/ competencies


User access (patient & HCP)


Implementation expertise
Toolkit Components:

Apps to Support Patients

Providing a personalised, digital care plan, these self-management toolkits empower patients to take control of their Asthma or COPD. Offering 365-day patient support at home, and focusing on the high-value things that are going to make the biggest impact.

Toolkit Components:

Platform for Front Line Teams

A wraparound toolkit for all healthcare professionals. Our award winning platform for frontline teams, aligning local and national policy with a range of freely accessible, digital innovations, including guidelines, education, competencies and QI.

Toolkit Components:

Data for Commissioners

A reporting mechanism for Commissioners and Clinical Leaders, appropriate to their requirements, allowing them to see data about the uptake and engagement of the programme within their locality, as well as the measurable outcomes generated by the toolkit.

Aims of the Toolkit

We believe that by providing patients with the right tools and resources, we can help them improve their overall health and wellness. The Respiratory Toolkit aims to significantly enhance health outcomes, improve engagement, promote best practices, and foster collaboration among key stakeholders in respiratory medicine.

Significantly enhance health outcomes 

Health outcomes can be dramatically improved by focusing on simple, high-value things in healthcare. Using consistent, clear messaging, the Respiratory Toolkit provides impactful changes to asthma and COPD management.

Improve engagement & remove barriers

A toolkit compliant with the real world improves engagement and removes barriers. Implementing simple, pragmatic changes in a complex system is easier than complex changes that are far removed from normal practice.

Promote best practice

There is a noticeable difference in how respiratory medicine is practised, which is identified through audits such as NACAP, Annual Reviews of Asthma Deaths, and advocacy groups like Asthma & Lung UK. The toolkit contains concise, one-page clinical guidelines instead of lengthy 50-page documents, making applying these guidelines in practice easier.

Work collaboratively with stakeholders

The Respiratory Toolkit is co-produced with policymakers and clinical experts from within stakeholder groups, including NACAP, PCRS, NHS Wales and NHS England, to ensure it is fully aligned with the system.

Benefits of the Toolkit

This digital toolkits provides support for patients, motivating patients to adopt behaviours that result in improved outcomes and reducing the burden on the health system. Here is a selection of recent benefits for both the patients and health providers:

Benefits for Patients

Benefits for Providers

ICST Respiratory Toolkit

Ready to Transform Respiratory Healthcare?

Get in touch today to learn how our toolkits can help to elevate healthcare outcomes in your area.

Toolkit Case Studies

Discover toolkits in action

Our Case Studies demonstrate how our toolkits have helped patients take control of their health, becoming experts in managing their everyday health conditions. Take a look and discover how our innovative approach is helping to shape the future of healthcare.

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