Providing a personalised, digital care plan, these self-management toolkits empower patients to take control of their Ischaemic Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Arrhythmias, Valve Disease and Hypertension. Offering 365-day patient support at home, and focusing on the high-value things that are going to make the biggest impact.
A wraparound toolkit for all healthcare professionals. Our award winning platform for frontline teams, aligning local and national policy with a range of freely accessible, digital innovations, including guidelines, education, competencies and QI.
A reporting mechanism for Commissioners and Clinical Leaders, appropriate to their requirements, allowing them to see data about the uptake and engagement of the programme within their locality, as well as the measurable outcomes generated by the toolkit.
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Dr Name Surname
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Dr Name Surname
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This digital toolkits provides support for patients, motivating patients to adopt behaviours that result in improved outcomes and reducing the burden on the health system. Here is a selection of recent benefits for both the patients and health providers:
Get in touch today to learn how our toolkits can help to elevate healthcare outcomes in your area.
Our Case Studies demonstrate how our toolkits have helped patients take control of their health, becoming experts in managing their everyday health conditions. Take a look and discover how our innovative approach is helping to shape the future of healthcare.
A digital therapeutics company giving patients control of their own health with improved outcomes, and increased efficiencies for healthcare providers.
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