NACAP QI Project 5 – Personalised asthma action plan

Presented by Dr Katherine Hickman, GP and Primary Care Clinical Lead for the National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP)
  The aim of this Quality Improvement Project is to ensure 50% or more of people on the Asthma register (both adults and children), have a personalised Asthma Action Plan, and evidence this with the appropriate SNOMED code in their notes by November 2021.  The ICST platform hosts this NACAP Quality Improvement Project. It is a dynamic and integrated platform, freely accessible to healthcare teams – including National Clinical Guidelines and Pathways, Standards, Education, Certifications, Registers and an Integrated Quality Improvement platform.  
NHS Wales healthcare teams can access the platform featuring programmes consisting of national guidelines, education, quality improvement, certification, and patient self management tools. A joined up system from policy to patient. If you are in NHS Wales, join by logging in or signing up.

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This QI project forms part of a national programme of work commissioned by Welsh Government through the Respiratory Health Implementation Group. This is centrally funded offering NHS Wales healthcare teams unlimited, free access and support focusing on the things that matter for their patients. Click here to learn more about this programme.

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