ICST is proud to announce that, with your help, the Respiratory Toolkit, encompassing the All Wales ICST Platform and the Patient apps have been crowned the winner of two awards:
🏆 Generating Impact at the Population Level
🏆 Moving Towards Net Zero…
at the HSJ Digital Awards 2023, recognising excellence in digitising, connecting, and transforming health and care.
Winners from a total of 19 categories, were announced during a ceremony at Manchester Central on 22 June 2023, celebrating the achievements of a total of 162 shortlisted finalists.
The HSJ Award organisers believe that the HSJ Digital Awards will provide the perfect springboard for widespread adoption of specific initiatives, and – following NHS England’s Year of the Digital Profession in 2022 – will inspire digital leadership across the country.
Categories in the HSJ Digital Awards cover many aspects of the health and social care sector, demonstrating how digital initiatives can help to improve ‘hard to tackle’ issues such as reducing inequalities; improving mental health through digital services; assisting with the ongoing move to net zero and enhancing workforce engagement, productivity and wellbeing.
HSJ editor Alastair McLellan adds:
“For several years, we’ve noticed that more and more projects – with digitisation at their core – were being entered into other Awards within the HSJ’s awards programme – and it increasingly felt that this emerging and important category needed an Awards ceremony of its own.”
“So, what better opportunity to launch the HSJ Digital Awards than in the follow up to NHS England’s recent Year of the Digital Profession. It was no surprise to us that the level and quality of entries in the inaugural HSJ Digital Awards were absolutely outstanding, presenting our panel of judges with some difficult decisions! It therefore gives me great pleasure to personally congratulate ICST as winners at the 2023 HSJ Digital Awards.”
The award for ‘Generating impact in population health through digital’ and the judges comments:
“The judges felt that this was an impressive combination of patient empowerment and professional support networks. The extensive rollout and immense potential for application are truly commendable. The panel was particularly impressed by the continuous improvement demonstrated through the implementation process.”
The award for ‘Moving towards net zero through digital’ and the judges comments:
“Supporting a behavioural shift towards sustainability across both patients and workforce, the judges were impressed with its considered approach and clear results. The judges recognised the effectiveness of the different routes taken as a part of this model to create awareness of the environmental impact and see a widespread uptake in more sustainable practice.”